Learn about our One to One Training
This includes in-depth theory and an afternoon practical session on both Laser/IPL treatments including laser tattoo removal, hair removal, skin rejuvenation (carbon peels, vascular, bengin pigmentation) with Mike.
£1,499 per person - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic
£1,499 per person plus travel feels at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
This includes in-depth theory and an afternoon practical in Laser/IPL Hair Removal on models - one day
£750 per person, per day - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic
£750 per person, per day plus travel fees - at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
This includes in-depth theory and an afternoon practical of Laser Tattoo Removal on models- one day
£750 per person, per day - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic
£750 per person, per day plus travel fees - at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
Practical only for Laser/IPL Hair Removal, Laser Tattoo Removal or Skin Rejuvenation on models - full day
With Lisa:
- £399 per person - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic- £399 per person, plus travel fees - at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
Practical only for Laser/IPL Hair Removal on models - full day
With Lisa:
- £399 per person - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic- £399 per person, plus travel fees - at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
Practical only for Laser Tattoo Removal with models - full day
With Lisa:
- £399 per person - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic- £399 per person, plus travel fees - at your clinic
With Mike:
- £599 per person - Dermalase Glasgow Clinic
-£599 per person, plus travel fees - at your clinic
Multiple Discounts Available
These can be theory training in the Fundamentals of Lasers and IPLs, Laser/IPL Hair Removal and/or Laser Tattoo Removal. Prices vary per course.
From £750 with Mike.
Contact us below to gain more information or arrange your training session with Dermalase